-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VISUAL EXPLORATION -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

26 March 2012


Our tutor has begun a discussion board whereby she posts ideas for us to reflect upon. todays was the topic of the new phone app being bought by facebook:

Facebook's recent purchase of the Instagram application for iphone's brought a resurgence of debate about the value it does or does not add to photography. Perhaps even more importantly it questioned the very value/contribution to photography that the application makes through its use.  If you use any social networking it is hard to avoid Instagram. James Robinson has written an interesting blog piece about this whole discussion here: http://galleriesandexhibitions.blogspot.co.uk/2012/04/facebook-buys-instagram-and-why-we.html Please read it and share your thoughts!"

"Im in two minds sets about this, as I understand that the purpose of the collaborations is to encourage image taking and to share it to the masses. James has mentioned that the polaroid effect is extremely popular and aesthetically pleasing, so we can see the popularity evolve, and I think we are all cleaver enough to realize that using a photo app has no technical skill whatsoever, so why are we worried?

I can see how such advanced and accessible shortcuts are intimidating to aspirating photographers as Sophie outlined it can be overshadowing. Im also frustrated that techniques that could take us hours, even DAYS to perfect can take seconds sitting on a sofa, which I think Jordon also pointed out. 

But guys, the world is moving fast especially being a technological and scientific based art form. I think one of the best benefits from digital advancement is the speed it has provided,  if you have learned the analogue techniques, I think it’s a godsend that job on location that could take weeks to finish can be completed and sent off on the day. 

Sarah made an excellent point in saying if people want to take this app seriously then hopefully they will not be so narrow-minded as to avoid the entire history of the medium. I think we have nothing to worry about, as it can be an excellent starting point for young people with an interest in photography.

By the way.. hipstamatic is better."

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